Colman-Egan Parents 2036 Mailing List

You have been added to this list because you have a student in the Class of 2036. We will use this list to communicate with you throughout your child's years at Colman-Egan. If you do not have a child in the Class of 2036, please contact the front office and we will take your name off the list.

How do I subscribe to the Colman-Egan Parents 2036 mailing list?

Send an email message to
In the body of the message, type: Subscribe Colman-EganParents2036
You can leave the subject line blank.

When you join the mailing list, the you will be sent a welcome message informing you that you are subscribed.

How do I unsubscribe from the Colman-Egan Parents 2036 mailing list?

Send an email message to
In the body of the message, type: Unsubscribe Colman-EganParents2036
You can leave the subject line blank.

When you leave the mailing list, you will be sent a farewell message informing you that you are unsubscribed.

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