MegaDTL Mailing List
Welcome to the MegaDTL list!. Now, you can ask a question or share resources with every person who has participated in DTL! We also invite other fellow educators who care about technology to join our discussions.
How do I send to the MegaDTL mailing list?
Send an email message to Use a subject appropriate for your message, and ensure the content of your message is appropriate for the intended audience.
How do I subscribe to the MegaDTL mailing list?
Send an email message to
In the body of the message, type: Subscribe MegaDTL
You can leave the subject line blank.
When you join the mailing list, the you will be sent a welcome message informing you that you are subscribed.
How do I unsubscribe from the MegaDTL mailing list?
Send an email message to
In the body of the message, type: Unsubscribe MegaDTL
You can leave the subject line blank.
When you leave the mailing list, you will be sent a farewell message informing you that you are unsubscribed.